Friday, January 11, 2013

My Birthday Present: A Cutting/Sewing Desk

Kyle is awesome. He spoils me. Seriously.

For my birthday this year he made me the best present ever. (Yes, I’m super late in posting this- my birthday is in October.) He made me a cutting/sewing desk! Since I started getting into sewing 2 (or so) years ago I have been cutting fabric on the floor and sewing on a small plastic craft table that jiggles and shakes as you sew. It’s all we ever had room for. Until we moved into our house. Now I have my own sewing space. Kyle was insistent on making a sewing desk for me, and I didn’t complain.

Kyle worked on the desk in the evenings after work. He put a lot of thought and work into the desk. And I love him for it. (And for other things too.)

Here’s my documentation of Kyle’s process. You can tell it took him quite a few days to get it put together based on his change of clothes in each of the pictures.

IMG_8177Working on the garbage cut-out.

IMG_8180Screwing in the front edge piece.

IMG_8182Green painted edge.

Yes, I picked the color. Nice and bright. Although, had I realized how yellowy the urethane would be, I would have picked another color. But, I still love the green regardless of the wood color.

IMG_8191Painting on the polyurethane to protect the wood.

IMG_8234Attaching the legs to the top.


The finished product. I love it!

The white shelving unit is an IKEA Expedit bookcase. It gives me some cubby holes for storage (which I still need to organize.) Above the bookcase is my cutting area. I was given a new 24x36 inch cutting mat and a 36” ruler from my parents for my birthday.  Now I have plenty of cutting space for most of my projects and it doesn’t kill my back. The cut out in the back is great for sliding my scraps right into the trash. It makes clean up so easy. Next to the cutting area I have my sewing space with room for my serger and sewing machine. Kyle still hasn’t it done it yet, but we plan on drilling holes in the back so I can run my cords up through the bottom, instead of having them hang from the side and get in my way. When I’m not sewing I push the machines to the back and then I have a space for my laptop to sit.

Have I mentioned that I absolutely love my desk? Thank you Kyle! 


  1. So cool! What a great gift. I bet hailey will have fun hiding behind it. Maybe you can recruit her to empty the trash.

  2. Way to go, Kyle! That is awesome!!! The colors, the organization. You totally deserve a nice place to work on your gorgeous projects.

  3. I looooove the desk. The cubbies and color are awesome. Good job Kyle!!

  4. That is an awesome present! I love the hole to shove the scraps down. Way to go Kyle!!

  5. That is amazing. Between you and Kyle you two are the most talented couple in the whole world!!!!
    I love the desk, I wish I had space for one, and also a husband who could make it :)
    Happy late Birthday!
