Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Etsy and the Number 28

Have you noticed I’ve made a few changes to the blog recently? Did you notice a link to our store?

Store? What store?


Yeah, yeah… I’ve been slow in saying anything. I FINALLY listed items in our Etsy store (hillmade)! Hooray! I opened the store almost a year ago, but never listed anything. It was put off for many reasons; logo design, fear, no idea what I’m doing, busy with other projects, morning sickness and fatigue, vacation, moving… LIFE just happened.

But now it’s open! I currently have 20+ listings, and new ones popping up all the time. I also have a slew of ideas for projects I’d like to make and sell. Currently I’m selling earrings, in three different styles:

Meshhillmade mesh

Stitchhillmade stitch

Solidhillmade solid

The store isn’t just me. It’s Kyle too. Although Kyle doesn’t have any products listed at the moment. But they will come, eventually. We have plans. It just takes time.

So, for now, I’m selling earrings. Earrings I love. They are simple- just the way I like them. I wear these earrings all. the. time. 

What does all of this have to do with the number 28? Absolutely nothing. Except that today is my 28th birthday. Happy Birthday to me! (28… really?)

To celebrate, I’m offering 28% off of all earrings for the month of October! Enter coupon code BDAY28 at checkout.

BTW: I have earrings available in every color. I’m just slowly listing them everyday or every other day. If you see a style you like, but not the color, send me a message on Etsy. I probably have it, it’s just not listed yet.

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