If you aren’t sure what Google Reader is, that’s ok. Basically, it’s a place to store subscriptions to blogs and websites where you can keep up with the new things being posted. I love it because I’m able to read all of my favorite blogs by going to just one place, instead of having to bookmark them and visit to see if there are any new posts up. Google Reader automatically shows me which blogs have new posts, and I can view those posts directly in Google Reader. It is fantastic.
In place of Google Reader, I’ve switched over to Bloglovin’. Bloglovin’ does pretty much the same thing as Google Reader.
So far I’m pretty happy with it. It does what I want it to- it lets me keep my blogs all in one place for easy reading.
If you have a bloglovin’ account, I’ve added this blog on there. Click the button below to follow along with me!
While we’re at it, if you’re on Pinterest, I hang out there as well.
I love Pinterest. It was just what I needed. Anyone else have bookmark folders that look like this:
Where, if you go up or down on that list, the bookmarks go on and on and on…? Pinterest has been fantastic. Instead of adding another bookmark to get lost and sucked away to the deep abyss of my incredibly long list of links, I can add it to my Pinterest account. There I can visually see what the link is, and I can add different boards to organize and categorize my pins, so I can easily find them again. So. Great. Plus what I pinned is shared with my friends, and I can see and repin things my friends have pinned, giving me added exposure to great ideas I may not have seen otherwise.
So, if you’re on Pinterest, click the link below to follow along with me, and see what interests me!